It’s that time again! From August 9th to August 30th, I’ll be participating in another round of 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting with my church family. This is something that we are encouraged to try twice a year. I finally participated in my first 21 Days this past January (more on that HERE), and honestly, I’ve been looking forward to the next one ever since. 

I’m going to be fasting from social media again this time around, specifically Instagram and Facebook. I just feel l like social media is the biggest cause of personal unrest in my life as well as the main thing that pulls me away from a deeper relationship with God. Especially with the crazy year we’ve had, I’m welcoming this reset (not to mention the break from everyone else’s feelings, thoughts, and opinions). 


What I’m looking forward to most:

1. Rebuilding a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit
2. Missing the Nordstrom Sale (aka NOT stressing myself out over something trivial and NOT sharing winter clothes in 80 degree heat)
3. Enjoying the rest of Summer instead of feeling the pressure to rush into Fall 

Goals I have (and hope to maintain after the 21 days):

1. Clean my oven πŸ˜†
2. Practice Yoga at least once a week / work on flexibility & meditation
3. Remember not to replace social media with other things that keep me unnecessarily busy

This time around, I'll also have the added dynamic of Greg working from home. I'll have to admit, I've allowed him being at the house more to stifle my morning Bible studies and quiet time. Not to mention, my patience has been growing thinner and thinner over the last few months (another thing to work on during this fast). πŸ˜‡

However, despite challenges old and new,  I'm eager to begin. Praying for eyes to see and ears to hear. Praying that I emerge 21 days later with new clarity and discernment and an overall refreshed feeling. And most importantly, I pray that I know God more in 21 days than I do right now. 

If you're interested in a little mid-year reset yourself, I encourage you to join me!! You don't have to fast from social media like I am. You can choose to fast from television, shopping, or even a literal meal. Chances are you probably know right off the top of your head the thing you most need a break from. During the fast, spend the extra free time you have communing with God in some way. Whatever works for you. I enjoy writing in a prayer journal, reading God's word, or completing an interactive Bible study (I love the First5 app). Let me know if you plan on participating as well! I'd love to hear about your journey and what you learned when it's all said and done. 

Best wishes and lots of love! 

See you in 21 days!


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However, I simply promote the brands and products that I love, and all opinions are my own.*