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Y'all, the 80s / 90s are back, and I'm honestly here for it. 
Target just released a new line called Wild Fable, and it is INTENSELY 90s.

As, I shopped through this new line, I began to realize that the styles of the 1980s and 90s are back in a major way. And not just at Target either. Tons of retailers are carrying clothing reminiscent of these power decades. 
Skorts, fanny packs, fuzzy handbags, all things metallic...It's bringing back all of my elementary school vibes. 
(That was years before my ugly stage kicked in, and believe me, I was always looking fresh on the playground)

Here are a few of my favorites 80s/90s inspired pieces!

Click on the images above or below to get direct links to the items!

I'm also a huge fan styles from the 70s: flare leg jeans, chunky heels, crochet knit sweaters...
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What are your favorite throwback pieces that are making a come back?
Let me know in the comments section below!


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*I receive a small commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post.
However, I simply promote the brands and products that I love, and all opinions are my own.*